Conquering Health Obstacles

by Guest User

Patricia and Daryl

Daryl and Patricia are currently in Birmingham as Daryl recently received a lung transplant. After meeting through the army in Germany, they’ve been married for almost 40 years. Daryl used to be more active, even running marathons, but in the last 5 years he’s been on oxygen. 

They have supported each other through health obstacles, but it became apparent four months ago that Daryl would need a transplant. The average waiting time on a lung transplant list is 18 months, so they were expected to wait a while. However, 2 days after Daryl got on the list, they received a call telling them to come to Birmingham for surgery.

Their advice for braving a transplant? “Leave it in God’s hands.” They would need to follow that advice as they struggled to find a place to stay for recovery. They were about to spend $500 on a hotel for 5 days when they received the call from Red Mountain Grace. They were excited to move into an apartment with more space, a place to cook, and a convenient location. All Red Mountain Grace apartments are within 8 miles of UAB and come fully-furnished. This includes WiFi, a stocked kitchen, and comfortable furniture. 

Having room to rest was beneficial to Daryl as he started recovery. He was walking within 1 day after surgery and walked over 3 miles in the first week. He explains, “you can’t let it get to you. It’s just something you gotta do.” Now, they’re excited to go home when the time comes. As Daryl’s health improves, they want to golf, travel, and visit their family. 

Are you interested in helping a family feel at home in Birmingham? We always welcome new volunteers. You can sign up here.