We Welcome Strangers who Leave as Friends

by Lindsey Smith

One of our previous guests at Red Mountain Grace, Katrena, had a Bone Marrow Transplant back in November of 2020 and after beating several setbacks was discharged home in April of 2021 with a good trajectory for recovery. 

I got a call on the evening of Monday May 14th that left me in so much confusion and sadness mixed with humility and honor all at once. Her mom, Gwen, was calling me to share that Katrena had passed away totally unexpectedly earlier that day. After getting to build a friendship with this family, experiencing Katrena petting a dog for the first time, celebrating her birthday with her for the first time not in a hospital for 2 years and watching Gwen sacrifice and care for Katrena for over 155 nights in the Red Mountain Grace apartment, I will never be able to look at our guests and the journeys they find themselves on in the same way.

Around the holidays, I sent Gwen a card for Thanksgiving to let her know we were thinking of her and acknowledging that this year will look different unfortunately. About a week later she called me and wanted to give a financial gift to Red Mountain Grace, and we did it in Katrena's memory. She told me, "I love you for thinking to do that."

Grief is a funny thing and different for everyone, I think of her family so often these days and also thank God for choosing me to intersect paths with them. Sometimes being there for our guests looks like sitting in the grief with them, listening to the tears through the phone and remembering the sweeter moments. It is hard yet full of privilege, what a treasure that they would share these moments with us. Maintaining a relationship with Gwen has been so special to me, we still text, I have sent her some printed photos of us at Katrena's Birthday celebration and hope to see each other in person soon.

Joshua Jipp has a quote that is continually on the forefront of my mind as I get to have this job with Red Mountain Grace, “We welcome strangers who leave as friends.

I am thankful for my friends Gwen and Katrena. Let the welcoming continue in 2022.

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