Beyond Breast Cancer: Anita and Linda's Story of Friendship, Adversity, and Gracious Hospitality

by Liz McCullough

In the midst of life's challenges, the stories of Anita and Linda intertwine, forming a beautiful narrative of courage, friendship, and unwavering faith. Their journeys through breast cancer and their commitment to Red Mountain Grace have not only strengthened their bond but also touched the lives of others in profound ways.

Linda's story began in 2015 when a routine mammogram unveiled her breast cancer diagnosis. Ironically, she had postponed her annual exam by nine months, feeling guilty about the delay. Little did she know that this delay was providential, as it allowed her to discover the cancer early. With her faith and a stage 1 tumor confined to a small area, she was spared from chemotherapy and radiation. However, given her family history, Linda chose to undergo a bilateral mastectomy.

In the same year, Linda's husband faced a life-threatening accident while quail hunting. God spared both of their lives during that eventful year. Amidst these trials, Linda's biggest takeaway was that the Lord never wastes anything. She witnessed the support and community of the Body of Christ, which is the difference that sets Red Mountain Grace (RMG) apart from other hospitality housing in Birmingham.

“When my husband was flown to the trauma center at UAB to undergo surgery for his wounds, I had a 90-minute drive to the hospital from the place of the accident. By the time I arrived, the waiting room was filled with friends from church. They prayed with and for us and haven't stopped since! Life is fragile and unpredictable but the Lord provides our every need - even when we don't know what those needs are. For us, we have learned that life is a gift and the Lord is in every detail. He uses our stories to minister to others, but He also uses our stories to remind us daily of His faithfulness. He has shown us how to trust Him for things we wouldn't typically ask for.“

Anita's breast cancer story is unique. Diagnosed in 2021, her cancer was elusive, growing linearly and resembling regular breast tissue, making it challenging to spot even through a mammogram. Typically, such cancers are only discovered at stage 3, but Anita's was miraculously detected at stage 1, a gift she attributes to God's hands.

“I learned very quickly that there are lessons in the waiting. My breast cancer journey built trust when I was scared, it built courage when I was scared, and it deepened my walk with the Lord to a place I had never been before. And I never want to go back. It was truly, as they say, a gift in a black box.”

Anita and Linda met years ago, becoming fast friends, joined by the friendships of their daughters. Linda helped Anita navigate her breast cancer journey. Anita used many of Linda’s same doctors. Linda even accompanied Anita to many appointments, demonstrating the power of compassionate support during challenging times.

Years after their friendship was birthed and cancer diagnoses beat, they came to learn about a local nonprofit seeking to support families like theirs, with the added bonus of community.

Linda (far left) and Anita (far right) with an RMG family

Linda heard about Brad Booth and started following his health journey through CaringBridge. Through his family's journal entries, she learned about Red Mountain Grace. The vision and mission of RMG deeply resonated with Linda, and she knew she and Anita needed to get involved. Linda introduced Anita to a ministry that gripped her heart.

After meeting with Austin, RMG’s Executive Director, they decided to adopt an apartment together. The joy of serving the families staying in their apartment has brought them immeasurable fulfillment.

“Being able to meet the people in our apartment, take them dinners, and find out their needs is so rewarding. Recently, we went with our husbands to meet a family in our apartment. Their story was so touching, we all four left with tears after visiting them and praying with them. What inspires me is the stories behind the families. I have never met more gracious people. The need for more apartments is so great,” Anita shared.

Linda added, “Being an apartment adopter allows us to take God's resources that He has entrusted to us and give them back to a ministry that aligns so perfectly with who He is. I pray that as long as the Lord allows, we will be here to watch and help grow this amazing, and much-needed ministry, not only in Birmingham but wherever He leads."

Through their apartment adoption, Anita and Linda’s husbands have also developed a strong bond. Another invisible string - they share a last name. The Miles’ are often asked if they are related, to which they respond that they pretend to be sisters. Notably, two of Anita's children joined RMG's junior board, witnessing the impact of this ministry firsthand. The rewards of RMG's work inspired them and strengthened their connection to the cause.

Anita and Linda's shared commitment to RMG and their unwavering faith are not only a testament to their resilience but also a source of inspiration for others. Their friendship, rooted in a shared mission close to their hearts, has demonstrated the profound impact of supporting others in times of need. They are a shining example of the love, grace, and unity that can be fostered through adversity and the desire to give back to the community.