Golden Guests: Barbara and Dan

by Liz McCullough

Dan received a single lung transplant at UAB on May 19, 2007. What he and his loving wife, Barbara, didn't expect was celebrating the 16th anniversary of his lung transplant at UAB.

After being diagnosed with chronic lung failure, Dan found himself admitted to UAB. During his hospitalization, there were several close calls with probabilities of him not surviving. Dan went from the lowest of lows being on a ventilator to breathing on his own.

"Many of the medical staff have expressed how surprised and amazed they are that he made it safely off the ventilator and is doing well. My amazement is in seeing the awesome work of God do what only He can do when such knowledge and ability surpass that of the most brilliant of mankind," Barbara shared.

Because of the generosity of our apartment adopters, Red Mountain Grace was able to provide Barbara with a fully-furnished apartment for 59 nights.

After spending over 2 months in the hospital, Dan was once again a walking miracle. He discharged from the hospital, Barbara checked out of her RMG apartment, and the couple headed home, together.

A few months before Dan was hospitalized, the couple celebrated their golden anniversary. They are grateful and relieved to be looking forward to celebrating 51 years on October 10th of this year. They are a precious couple, and we are so thankful for their miracle.