Awaiting Addison: The Norris Family

by Liz McCullough

“The Lord is faithful. We have seen and experienced that first-hand, time and time again.” - Meagan Norris

Meagan and Mitchell Norris have indeed experienced this faithfulness countless times. A few days before their now 3-year-old daughter Callie was born, Meagan’s leg turned purple and began to swell. Initially dismissed as pregnancy-related swelling, a blood clot was discovered and removed soon after Callie was born.

The Norrises are now eagerly anticipating the arrival of their second daughter, Addison Ruth, reflecting on the remarkable faithfulness of the Lord. Meagan is set to be induced tomorrow at 37 weeks, a significant milestone given the challenges they faced beginning at 30 weeks when another clot surfaced.

On January 20th, while prepping the nursery, Meagan noticed familiar signs - her leg turned purple and swelled. Urgently seeking local medical attention, they found themselves at UAB after a prompt ambulance transfer. Meagan spent a few days at UAB while her medical team made a plan, leading to the decision for Meagan to remain in Birmingham, close to UAB, until Addison's birth.

The original plan was for the clot and baby to be monitored until the due date. However, a few weeks ago, Meagan’s medical team decided it was best to remove the clot to mitigate the risk of it traveling after delivery. She underwent surgery, with an induction scheduled for a few weeks later.

With Callie, they only knew about the clot for a short amount of time. With Addison, it has now been seven, long weeks for the Norris family. Their incredible Church of the Highlands family helped them find temporary housing by connecting them to Red Mountain Grace. It was a weight on their shoulders that they did not hesitate to lift.

“They [Red Mountain Grace] are the most incredible organization, staffed by the most incredible people, that provides housing for families who have a loved one receiving medical care at UAB. They have been nothing short of a miracle. They helped us get situated in an apartment just six blocks from UAB where we can wait patiently for Baby Girl and be close for all our appointments. Mitchell and I cannot imagine navigating this time without them, and we will forever be connected to them.”

It has been different for them to be on the receiving end of grace. As Outreach Coordinators at the Auburn West Campus of Church of the Highlands, Meagan and Mitchell's commitment to serving others shines through, even in the midst of their own challenges. Visitors during this 7-week journey have found the couple inquiring about their guests' needs, embodying the true spirit of servanthood.

“We are thankful for the mission of Red Mountain Grace,” Mitchell shared. “We were looking around at Airbnbs, because you gotta do what you gotta do, but then we were pointed to Red Mountain Grace. We’ve just been floored at how much support they provide. It has meant a lot. Watching God move in different people and this organization has been incredible.”

Before the clot was removed, Meagan was not able to be as active with her family. After surgery, she has been able to move around more and soak up more of this time. While they are missing their life near Auburn's campus, they cherish the gift of family time in their Red Mountain Grace apartment. They’ve created precious memories exploring Birmingham, trying local eateries, and relishing rooftop sunsets with Callie. Callie has enjoyed these final days as an only child, adventuring with her parents and listening to her Tonie in “her room,” perfectly accessorized and dressed as a princess, of course.

Recently celebrating 10 years of meeting at Auburn, Meagan and Mitchell shared that there was no place they would rather be during this uneasy time than in Birmingham, together, close to the care Meagan and Addison need.

“The ups and downs of the unknowns are hard, but we know God is with us through every step. We wanted to say thank you to everyone who has reached out, offered support, and most importantly - prayed for us thus far. We are asking you to cover us in prayer during this time. We are pressing into His promises and know that none of this is a surprise to Him.”

Meagan is looking forward to holding that sweet miracle, seeing Callie become a big sister, and finally enjoying some sushi. Postpartum, Meagan will face a heightened risk for clots, requiring monitoring for an additional 4-6 weeks.

On this Baby Eve, we ask you to join with them in prayer as they prepare to welcome Addison, trusting in God's unwavering presence. A trust and faith held strong even by little Callie, who will not hesitate to tell you that she is not afraid because Jesus is on their side.

Photography by Marley-Bob Pezant