12 hours: Nellie and Michael

by Liz McCullough

A lot can happen in 12 hours.

Nellie and Michael's love for one another is undeniable. Their love has only grown stronger as Nellie has endured a bronchiolitis diagnosis, 2 years on 24/7 oxygen, and a lung transplant.

They were both scared when Nellie's physician suggested a lung transplant a year ago, but they decided to take the steps to move forward with a transplant.

On February 26th, they received a call that Nellie was on the transplant list. The very next day, they received a call that UAB had her lungs.

Nellie was on the transplant list for less than 12 hours.

Michael was flooded with thoughts. "All I could think about was what she was about to go through. Was this the right decision? How were we going to afford to stay the 90 days after the surgery? We both had told the transplant team we would stay close to the hospital for 90 days, but it seemed impossible. I came to the conclusion I would lose everything I had to get her health back. I could always buy another house, boat, truck, whatever I had to give up, but I couldn’t buy another Nellie."

With Nellie's willpower, the surgeon's talent, and God's grace, Nellie made it through surgery like a champ. They were relieved, but Michael began to worry about where they would stay once Nellie was discharged.

"One day, a social worker asked if I ever heard of Red Mountain Grace? She explained that they have apartments for $10 a night and said she would be sending me forms to fill out. I was concerned the apartment wouldn't be safe for Nellie and her new lungs. After all, it’s $10 a night, what can you expect?"

A lot can happen in a couple of days.

"I received a phone call from RMG a couple of days later asking if I was still interested? I said yes and went to look at the apartment. I was amazed at the security and how clean it was. My prayers had been answered. The place was so great. Now, all we had to worry about was her healing from surgery; which really wasn't a worry, because God showed up in full force."

One, normal day turned into Nellie receiving a 19-year-old pair of lungs. Another day turned into them receiving the keys to a clean, safe, and affordable apartment. And today, they are at home.

"I had no idea how I was going to do this, but you made it possible. Thanks to each and every one of you for your contributions and for creating this place. There’s no way I can thank you enough."

Nellie is doing great! She is continuing her post-transplant physical rehabilitation and walking at least one mile a day.